All questions and enquiries are welcomed
Please see our Privacy Notice and Cookies Policy for more details on how your information is handled and kept safe.
In addition to our tree production facilities in England, you can also visit us at The National Truffle Center, where our research team, lab & one of our own truffle orchards are based.
Barnauld Farm, Kingarth, Isle of Bute, PA20 9PE.
Tel: +44(0)1700 507039

Prof. Paul Thomas
MD and Scientific Manager
Responsible for the scientific development of MSL
BSc (Hons.). PhD. FRSA.

Dr. Muhammad Salman Zahid
Research Associate
Research lead in mycorrhizal ecology and metagenomics.

Delnia Sepahvand
Research technicion
Active researcher overseeing the MSL culture laboratory.

Lyndsay McFarlane
Business development
Lyndsay is your first point of contact for orchard establishment, Truffle tree and fresh truffle sales.

Daniel Paskin
Nursery Manager
Oversees all areas of our European tree nursery and production, supervising a team of key staff members. Daniel is also responsible for tree order dispatch and loading.