Epigenetics: advanced truffle research
December 6, 2017The Telegraph: The Welsh farm growing one of the world’s rarest delicacies – the Perigord truffle
December 6, 2017In November Dr Thomas met with Shari Vahl from BBC Radio 4’s You & Yours programme to discuss Mycorrhizal Systems’ cultivation of the Black winter Perigord truffle on our partner site in South Wales – this is the first time the valuable truffle has been found north of France and is related to changing climatic conditions. Shari visits the plantation in Wales that is now producing both summer and winter truffle varieties.
BBC Radio 4 - Shari Vahl hunts the first UK Perigord truffles with us
In November Dr Thomas met with Shari Vahl from BBC Radio 4's You & Yours programme to discuss Mycorrhizal Systems' cultivation of the Black winter Perigord truffle on our partner site in South Wales - this is the first time the valuable truffle has been found north of France and is related to changing climatic conditions. Shari visits the plantation in Wales that is now producing both summer and winter truffle varieties.
You can listen to the whole show via the BBC iPlayer and the seven minute interview starts at 7.40 mins into the programme.
The habitats that support both the black winter truffle and the UK's native summer truffle, have declined rapidly in the wild, which is why cultivation is so important. If you would like to know more about purchasing truffle trees of any number, to see how our partnership scheme works or have any other question around cultivating truffles then please email us using the contact form and we’ll be happy to help.
We are seeking partners in the UK and around the world.