winter truffle


Prof. Paul Thomas (our Managing Director) has appeared on several TV programmes, radio shows and in many written articles. Specific areas of expertise include the biology, cultivation, hunting and cooking methods of the wide range of truffle species. If you would like an interview or require information for an article then please use our contact form and we would be very happy to help.

Below, our most recent news articles are displayed and our back-catalogue is open for browsing.

December 5, 2020

MSL Blog: climate change and the impact on truffles – December 2020

2020 has been a big news year and life has changed in ways that most of us never expected. At the start of the year record wildfires seemed like they could be the big news story of the year as huge blazes ravaged Australia. However, as we all know, it wasn’t just Australia and extreme climate events occurred across the globe. In this blog post Prof. Paul Thomas discusses the impact of climate change and the research he's working on in collaboration with colleagues from the Universities of Cambridge and Stirling around what these changes mean for truffle production.
August 8, 2019

National Geographic – New research confirms that truffle harvests are affected by rainfall patterns

The National Geographic have produced an excellent article focusing on a recent study into rainfall levels and how these effect truffle harvests; it’s particularly important as climate change is dramatically affecting the truffle industry. We’re often asked how important rainfall levels are for truffle cultivation and whether irrigation is required, both for the truffle trees and for the truffles themselves. We’ve had a good understanding of this for many years and know that both trees and truffles like a moderate amount of rainfall with a disbursement across the year. The climate in the UK, Ireland and across most of mid and eastern Europe is ideal for good tree and truffle growth and additional irrigation isn’t typically required on truffle plantations. However, new research published by Prof. Ulf Büntgen of Cambridge University is revealing that the timing of when rainfall occurs in a particular year is also a key factor in […]
June 27, 2019

CLA Summit 2019: Climate Change – Risk or Opportunity?

As part of our wider commitment to developing the UK’s agricultural and forestry sectors, Dr Thomas will be presenting at the CLA’s 2019 Summit, held on July 2nd 2019 at the Cavendish Conference Centre in London. The topic for discussion this year is ‘Climate Change – Risk or Opportunity’ and will be presented by business leaders, academics and industry experts. The aim of the summit is to arm landowners with the facts around climate change and to highlight how to adapt and build in resilience to existing business whilst exploring future opportunities. As part of the expert line up, Dr Thomas will be presenting an overview of his recent research into climate change, co-authored with Prof Büntgen of Cambridge University, and how this is expected to affect forestry both in the UK and globally.
June 12, 2019

World leaders in truffle farming technology, based in…Lancashire, England!

Truffles have been harvested for the first time on another of Mycorrhizal Systems' truffle growing partner sites in the UK.
June 5, 2019

Early truffle harvest on the newest UK truffle farm

Truffles have been harvested for the first time on another of Mycorrhizal Systems' truffle growing partner sites in the UK.
May 14, 2019

Climate change could boost UK truffle production

Dr Paul Thomas visits one of our Scottish truffle plantations to discuss the impact of climate change and how this could dramatically reduce truffle production in southern Europe, though actually benefit UK truffle farming. The Scottish site is now in its second year of truffle production.
November 23, 2018

Climate change predicted to seriously impact Mediterranean truffle production

A research collaboration between Dr Paul Thomas (Mycorrhizal Systems Ltd and University of Stirling) and Professor Ulf Büntgen (University of Cambridge) has been published this week in the influential academic journal, Science of The Total Environment. The research, led by Dr Thomas, is the first study to consider the future threat of climate change on European truffle production. The research summarises that the warmer and drier climate predicted in the traditional Mediterranean truffle producing regions of France, Spain and Italy will be responsible for the decline and could be accelerated by other factors, such as heatwaves, drought, forest fires, pests and diseases. Though the research suggests a more favourable climate for truffle production in the north and east of Europe, the decline in the traditional production regions will have a huge economic, ecological and social impact.
November 5, 2018

New Grower Seminars – Scotland – November 28th 2018

Are you based in Scotland and interested in learning more about truffle cultivation on your land? Dr Thomas will be delivering a seminar in Angus aimed at farmers and landowners who are considering diversification. The seminar will be held during the evening of Wednesday 28th November in Alyth, Angus and for more information please send an enquiry through our contact page.
November 5, 2018

Farm Business Innovation Show – 7th & 8th November 2018 – Birmingham NEC

Farm Business Innovation Show – 7th & 8th November 2018 – Birmingham NEC This week we’ll be returning to Birmingham’s NEC for the Farm Business Innovation show. Following on from previous year’s success Dr Paul Thomas will be delivering a seminar on both days of the show. Dr Thomas will be discussing the breakthrough we’ve had in cultivating the first black Perigord truffle in the UK, it’s the first time this has been achieved north of central France. The seminar will also cover truffle basics, truffle cultivation and the ‘business’ of truffles and due to the popularity we would recommend arriving as early as possible if you’d like to be seated.
  • Samantha Ellis

    From guidance in orchard establishment, tree supply and management to our own truffle distribution network, we've got all angles covered

    Samantha Ellis
    Business Development
  • Dr Paul Thomas

    Thorough and scientific methodologies, attention to detail and having a committed partner at every step of the way, is the only reliable approach to truffle cultivation

    Dr Paul Thomas
    General Director
  • Daniel Paskin

    With our own genetics lab and research sites in 23 countries, we are truly world-leading in the field

    Daniel Paskin
    Nursery Manager
January 18, 2018

Free New Grower Seminars – Feb 5th & 8th 2018

We are holding two seminars aimed at those interested in learning about truffle cultivation. These are free to attend and focus on what truffles are, how to cultivate them, the wider truffle market and details of our partnership offer – they are ideally suited for those interested in learning about whether truffle cultivation is for them and for people who have already been in talks with us to meet us face to face. The seminars will be informal with questions from attendees encouraged. Venues are start times are yet to be confirmed but we will be in central Glasgow on February 5th, starting around 1.30 pm and in central Birmingham on February 8th, starting around 2 pm. Please contact us at if you’d like to attend one of these seminars and we’ll send out full details.
January 3, 2018

Edinburgh Evening News – Burgundy truffles cultivated in Scotland for first time

One of the world’s most expensive ingredients has been cultivated near Edinburgh after a sever-year wait. Researchers from Mycorrhizal Systems Ltd teamed up with local farmers to cultivate the summer or burgundy truffle. This is the first time the ingredient has been successfully cultivated in Scotland. Researchers believe the potential to cultivate truffles is increasing as a result of climate change. Click through for the full article from Edinburgh Evening News reporter David Bol.
January 3, 2018

Scotland’s First Cultivated Truffles – another success for Mycorrhizal Systems

We  have successfully cultivated the summer or burgundy black truffle, one of the world’s most expensive ingredients, as part of our partnership programme just south of Edinburgh: the first time this has ever been achieved in Scotland. This latest development follows a recent report in the journal Climate Research, suggesting that truffle cultivation potential in the UK is increasing as a result of climate change. In November a number of truffles were harvested by a newly trained dog, Maxwell, on the root system of an inoculated oak tree and further microscopic analysis confirmed that Maxwells’s find was indeed a summer or burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum syn. uncinatum). The site continued to produced throughout November and December confirming that the site was firmly in production.  
December 6, 2017

The Telegraph: The Welsh farm growing one of the world’s rarest delicacies – the Perigord truffle

In November Dr Thomas met with The Telegraph’s Boudicca Fox-Leonard to discuss how a small village in South Wales became home to the first black winter Perigord truffles to be found north of France.